Ageing Lifestyle Research
Understanding lived experience to derive insights that help ageing consumers to feel valued, empowered, and connected
Who are the Ageing Lifestyle Research Group?
The Ageing Lifestyle Research group (ALR) is an independent social research team intent on using the ‘voice of ageing consumers’ to drive business, social, and policy change.
The ALR was founded in Australia and at Curtin University but with local, national and international focus on the experiences of ageing consumers.
What We Do
Ageing consumers will soon comprise a third of the population of some developed nations and the transition of the Baby Boomer generation into ageing will represent “the most important demographic shift in the history of mankind.”
Researchers in the ALR group explore the experience of consumption amongst ageing consumers to identify cultural, social and consumer boosters and impediments. Broadly the impediments derive from socially embedded ageist attitudes, norms and behaviours that lead to stereotyping, mistreatment and sidelining of ageing consumers. This often manifests with ageing consumers being discussed and viewed as a burden on society.
The research team intend to:
- Help ageing people build self-identity through being valued, empowered and connected; and
- Improve the social narrative, industry practices and government policies that affect ageing consumers.
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