Research Areas

The Ageing Lifestyle Research Group focuses on a number of key research areas, each of which is led by a research area lead. Below is an overview of these areas. If you’re interested to collaborate or conduct research, we encourage you to research out to the research area lead.  

Ageing and Wellbeing

Research Area Lead: Dr. Graham Ferguson

Understanding ‘wellbeing’ within an ageing context is crucial to providing products and services which allow ageing people to thrive. This area focuses on topics such as subjective well being measures, aged care service evaluations and consumer satisfaction for ageing people. 

Independence and Connectedness

Research Area Lead: Dr. Saadia Shabnam

Independence and connectedness are both increasingly cited as priority areas for further study. This area focuses on how the nature and choice of social connections change as people age, the role that connectedness and independence play in consumers’ lived experiences and how independence and connectedness can be encouraged and supported by firms and organizations. 

Ageing and Technology Adoption

Research Area Lead: Dr. Brian ‘t Hart

Technology can provide many benefits for an ageing person, but adoption of technology is relatively low. This area focuses on how ageing consumers adopt technology, the factors that influence the adoption process, and how technology can be developed to better suite the varied and changing needs of ageing consumers. 

Research Methods

Research Area Lead: Dr. Aziemah Othman

Conducting research which clearly reflects the voice of ageing consumers requires well thought out and supported research methods. This area focuses on the study around research methodologies best suited for ageing consumers, including those with ailments such as dementia. Topics include analysis of satisfaction scales such as the NPS, phenomenology methods and use of quantitative methods within an ageing context.